Treeless Yard? How You Can Still Have a Treehouse

If your children want a treehouse but you have a treeless yard, then you might feel that they’re out of luck. That isn’t the case. You can still have a deconstructed treehouse if you understand the elements of what makes a treehouse a treehouse. It isn’t necessarily about the tree, but about the idea of secrecy and quirkiness. Here are a few ideas on how you can have a treehouse without any trees.

A Treeless Yard Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Be Up High

If your children absolutely love the idea of being up high or elevated up off of the ground, you can still provide that for them. Sure, you don’t have any trees, but you can still have a house on stilts. By building a small house on stilts, you can still give your children the fantasy of climbing up to their secluded home of imagination. You can even get fancy with it and include aluminum covers in Las Vegas for an outdoor patio area.

Use Rock

You may not have trees, but perhaps you have a lot of large rocks in the area. Perhaps your hardscaping even included a large boulder or rock wall. You could use that as a place to build a treehouse. The rock might even provide more security than a tree. Try building into the rock to create an entirely unique treehouse that your children will love to play in.

Go Underground

The idea behind a treehouse is to provide a secluded place where children can play and take refuge in. If you don’t have any trees, then you could always dig a large cavern in the yard. Supported properly, you could include a small house within it. Why not live like the Hobbits in your very own fantastic Shire?